This is where being a part of a pioneering DTS is exciting, adventurous dare I say. We believe there is something specific God has for us here, but in being the first delegation from a new school forging first time relationships with the very small YWAM team here, it is hard to know exactly what our position, strategy, or lasting impact will be. It is honestly a bit nerve wrecking knowing that God wants to do something big here, but not quite knowing just what all that will entail. Whether its forging relationships for the future teams that will come or establishing ministry outlets, uncovering new areas to pray into for the Icelandic people or learning/documenting how God reveals Himself and communicates in this land. We have to trust that He will direct us where He wants us.
So please be praying for inspiration and wisdom. There is a shockingly explosive vibrancy of creativity here. Art, music, poetry, the city is bursting with it and we would absolutely love to be a part of it. So pray that we have avenues of connection with local artists as well as inspiration and skill to create originally and authentically. As we all know, art is the ship of expression and the whole team has felt an expectation that we will tap into a new arena of creativity somehow, so please pray for willingness and opportunity.
A major means of ministry here is simple conversation. The atmosphere is extremely open and friendly and there is quite the readiness to meet and talk with new faces. Pray for open doors and depth.
One of our team's major desires is to be a huge encouragement and support for the long term team in Reykjavik. They are going through several changes so we want to be as big a help to them as possible as they evaluate where God is leading them as a team and as a presence in Reykjavik. Something as simple (though not minuscule) as praying over them and hearing God's voice for them is an incredible support and to have an outside group come and serve in that way is quite special. It's not hard to feel a bit isolated on a huge northern island far from an established missions base.
So the next few days will be a lot of prayer walking around the city, exploration, getting a feel for what the city's needs are and asking God to show us what He has for us here. Very VERY excited to see what He has in store.
Kind of awe-inspiring really that God even uses us humans in His sovereign plans that He could accomplish on His own. I am so humbled and grateful that I get to be a part of something so spectacular. You know, changing the world and everything :)
Thanks so much for bearing with me and supporting me and the YWAM Leeds team in so many ways! Love you all and expect another post soon!
Cheers from Iceland!
*Our first day of breathless beauty