Friday, March 28, 2014

Miracles, Outreach, Growth...Oh My!

Where to even start! First off a big thank you to my fantastic brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers in Christ for supporting me in so many different ways. You have no idea how encouraging it is receiving prayer, financial support, words/messages...any communication really, showing that even though we're an ocean away I have a family backing me. It makes all the difference in the world spiritually, mentally and emotionally to have that kind of confidence. Especially living in an area that perpetuates an environment of displacement, lack of identity, lack of home and broken families.

Down to business:
Last week I walked into the office to the news that ALL OF OUR SCHOOL TUITION FUNDS HAVE COME IN!!!!!!!! Both Geert and I have a big fat ZERO to pay for tuition fees and have enough to pay for half of our first outreach trip. Since the shock has finally settled a bit my heart is just full of immense gratitute to everyone who has prayed and has been amazingly generous in supporting what God is doing with me here in Leeds.

Speaking of outreach, after praying over the five cities YWAM Leeds has been supporting, the two cities our DTS be traveling to have been decided. There will be a short-term two week trip coming up in April and a Long-term six week trip in late June. The two locations are.....*DRUMROLL*....
Reykjavik, Iceland for the short-term and Rome, Italy for the Long-term!! We are all QUITE excited, as can be expected with Iceland and Rome as destinations, and can't wait to see what God has for us in these two very interesting urban environments. As I said before, half of this upcoming outreach has been covered just in time to book tickets and I am praying and trusting that the remaining £310 will be provided for in time.

It is incredible to me watching Him watch me, as I Little by Little learn what trust means. What reliance looks like, even if it means waiting right up to the very end of deadlines. Geert and I were talking the other day about our funds coming in and how confusing it was because we had both reached a point where we were so sure God would provide, we were no longer stressing about it. Its a bit strange because you always want to check I doing enough, am I praying enough, am I trusting enough? And actually, experiencing peace can sometimes feel like carelessness to our pro-active Western world mindsets. Its a funny sensation to practice sitting in assurity with seemingly impossible numbers looming ahead, knowing that He has already provided so much.

In other news, the amount the Lord has been working in my personal, spiritual life is incredible...more than I can even digest much of time. At the beginning of the month one of our favorite speakers Michael Montgomery (an ex-Military, acting, improv, filmmaking, graphic designing, hilarious Irishman) came to speak on Spiritual Warfare. We all sort of assumed it would be a week of crazy spiritual intensity, casting out demons and such. The reality was an intense, systematic check-up of basic spiritual health. Quickness in obedience to the Lord's promptings, self-discipline, pride, selfishness and looking at how these fairly basic areas work (or don't work) in our lives. What ended up coming out was a huge amount of revelation on deep-rooted issues that had been playing out in many of our lives since childhood. This opened the door for a lot of necessary healing, in my life in particular. It was so encouraging to learn from and experience such loving wisdom. Ironically that weekend I unknowingly met and befriended a Satanist. All I could think of was Bernie from the Incredibles....

"Coincidence??? I think NOT!!!!"

Anyways, please keep our Team in your prayers. There is quite a lot to look forward to with the Iceland trip soon approaching. I will be posting again before we leave with specific prayer requests. Again, I so appreciate everyone who is walking through this along with us. It is so encouraging to know that people DO care what we're doing here, that it IS making a difference and that this little Team in Leeds, UK is not forgotten.

Cheers to all of you,

And Go Tigers!

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