Monday, September 30, 2013

Home Sweet Hood

After over 24 hours of travel, I've arrived! I'm living in the Harehills, which apparently is the ghetto of Leeds. Needless to say, I'm loving it. One of the most diverse areas in England, over 72 ethnicities represented. I share a rented house with 3 other girls, right up the street from the other 4 of our team. 

So lectures carry on tomorrow, Holy Spirit week so I am quite excited. The following weeks will be concentrated on community outreach. The team here has quite a heart for the community, it being an urban DTS, so the focus is spread out in several directions. We have an art piece due every two weeks, community projects and then we tackle a social justice issue the alternating weeks. On weekends we're expected to volunteer with one of two organizations. One is kids club, which shuttles and hosts about 500 kids to programs ever Saturday. The other is Street Angels, which provides a monitoring system for the night life here in Leeds. Seeing that people get to their homes safe, handing out water, flip flops ect. 

It's pretty spectacular being surrounded by so many different art forms, we have dancers, a sculpter, painters, photography, visual artists...heaven on earth for inspiration. I'm excited to see some collaborations born :) 
I'm also praying I can find somewhere to get my 8mm film developed....

They tell us it gets pretty dangerous round these parts sometimes, drugs and all. This is where I thank my Pops for all that street wisdom he imparted to us kids. Thank God for being from the D. 

Looking forward to lectures! Please keep me in your prayers as I am still support raising. Thanks so much whoever is reading this, I appreciate you keeping up with me :) 

The flight from London to Manchester!

My new street!

Travel trudging.